José L. López González

Margarita Salas Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Philosophy and Sociology at the Universitat Jaume I (Spain). PhD in Moral Philosophy (Cum laude) with the international doctoral thesis «Ethics and Kinetics of Tourism. Contributions based on Hartmut Rosa’s Resonance Critical Theory» (Universitat Jaume I). Master’s Degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training (Universitat Jaume I) and Master’s Degree in Ethics and Democracy (Universitat Jaume I-Universitat de València).

His research lines on ethics are focused on social acceleration and tourism.

He has participated in the research projects Applied Ethics and Reliability for Artificial Intelligence” PID2019-109078RB-C21, financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation; «Moral neuroeducation for applied ethics» (FFI2016-76753- C2-2- P), financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness; «The potential of applied ethics in the Open Government and Civil Society participation tools» (UJI-A2016- 04), financed by the Universitat Jaume I. He has also participated in the project «Promoting ethical and responsible tourism among Valencian tourist agents», which forms part of the Collaboration Agreement signed by the Valencian Tourism Agency and the Universitat Jaume I to encourage research and innovation in the Valencian tourism sector.

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Contact details:

José L. López-González

Telephone (+34) 964 729542