Patrici Calvo


Patrici Calvo is Associate Professor of Moral Philosophy at Universitat Jaume I. He is a Humanities degree from the Universidad Jaume I (Extraordinary End of Degree Award), Master’s in Corporate Social Responsibility from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Master’s in New Trends and Innovation Processes in Communication from the Universidad Jaume I, Master’s in Training Trainers in Corporate Social Responsibility from the Universidad de Buenos Aires and Doctor in Philosophy from the Universitat Jaume I with the international doctoral thesis entitled Economic rationality: ethical aspects of reciprocity.

His lines of research include economics (economic and business ethics), Internet of Things (ethics of things and ethification), Democracy (Algorithm democracy and government) neuroscience (moral neuroeducation and neuroconomics), health (smart health and bioethification), and whistleblowing (ethical monitoring systems and blockchain) from a critical-discursive perspective.

Besides, he is author of book The Cordial Economy – Ethics, Recognition and Reciprocity  (Springer, 2018).

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  • Name: Patrici Calvo
  • Phone: (+34) 964 729629
  • Mail:
  • Address: Universitat Jaume I, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, 12071 Castellón, España.
  • Web personal: