The Research Group Practical Ethics and Democracy offers companies, organisations and institutions an ample services portfolio, including: designing codes of ethics and codes of conduct, writing ethics and social responsibility reports, creating stakeholders maps, preparing materiality matrices, designing and implementing lines of ethics and their compliance, offering counselling on designing and setting up ethics committees, preparing materiality reports from social responsibility documents, etc.

Designing codes of ethics and codes of conduct

This is the company’s letter for society to see and is, therefore, one of the basic elements to help build trust. It is thus a key element for the company’s reputation and to differentiate it on the market, and is an internal reference for the organisation’s decision making. The outcome is a formal document that includes the company’s main values, as well as a series of recommendations, to include them in both communication and training.

Ethics and social responsibility reports

This is the company’s direct communication channel with its groups of interest. It indicates how it performs its day-to-day management in an integrated manner, as well as its economic-social and environmental matters. The outcome is a document that publicly presents the company’s action by following internationally acknowledged indicators (Global Reporting Initiative, version G3). Today these reports are one of the most demanded instruments by the market and society.informes rsc

Training programmes and plans for business ethics and social responsibility

This service aims to guide the organisation to be able to integrate ethics into its own corporate culture. Training contents are designed and specifically prepared according to the organisation’s own values and commitments.

Designing and implementing lines of ethics and their compliance

Companies are setting up ethical lines and their compliance (ethics & compliance systems) to improve their ethics and social responsibility management, and to also systematise processes to warn about and report irregularities in ethics and social responsibility matters.

Performing ethical auditing

Ethical auditing intends to assess the degree of complying with the expectations that come into play; that is, determining the coherence between what the company/organisation states and what it actually does from a moral perspective. Ethical auditing tends to be done every 2 or 3 years by an organisation external to the company/organisation.

Creating stakeholders maps

Stakeholders maps are for those people or groups that can affect, or be affected by, the company. The Research Group Practical Ethics and Democracy creates maps of the company’s groups of interest.


Creating materiality matrices

The materiality matrix intends to specify the degree of relevance that each group of interest has for the company, as well as the generated or expected impacts on ethics and social responsibility matters. The Research Group Practical Ethics and Democracy designs materiality matrices of groups of interest, the impacts generated by organisational practice or the impacts that stakeholders expect on ethics and social responsibility matters.

Writing verification and materiality reports from ESR documents

Companies experienced in writing ESR reports are requesting their verification by external organisations. The Research Group Practical Ethics and Democracy offers this service for companies with an ESR report that wish to show their groups of interest accurate and verified information.


Counselling on setting up Ethics Committees

The objective of such a committee is being a reference when faced with any ethical conflict that may arise in the company. It also allows counselling the company in organisational strategies and policies, and being reoriented according to corporate values and in line with the constant changes that take place in the socio-economic-environmental setting